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Palestinian children killed by
Israeli forces
My heart cries out for the children of Palestine, who live in the imprisoned area of Gaza as they die about one per hour average and they and other Palestinians are killed and uprooted. I can understand why the people of Palestine in the Gaza strip are standing by their elected government and saying we will fight till death or we get freedom by withdrawal of the blockade of our borders. Israel seems intent on killing as many people as possible and destroying as much as they can before there is a cease fire.
Our president, Senate and House of Representatives stand firmly with Israel giving them the money and military might to keep the war going, as they have done many times in the past. The people of Palestine have lost so much they have no reason to stop fighting back until the blockade is lifted and they have the right to pick up the pieces of Palestine that are left and to create a homeland for Arabs on part of this territory, known as Palestine since the time of Christ and Roman Empire. Jesus was a Palestinian Jew as we know.
Today I was listened to a reporter from New York Times describe of how Israel started this war, why and how it will end. Without the USA saying no to More money and military might Israel will continue this process of exterminating Palestinians’ in this region. I had a hard time listening to honest reporting and it would be so much simpler if Israel as the ‘good guy’ and People in Gaza Strip the ‘bad guys’
There are three prayer vigils for homicide victims in North Central Milwaukee tomorrow morning. When will the killing stop?
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