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Inside Orchid Outside
Still 13 flowers strong
Dear Weather Friend,
A few weeks ago you wrote a response to my comments about the strange weather conditions we are experiencing. You explained to me how Lake Michigan affects weather in parts of the city. You said that soon my tomato plants would get the hot and sunny weather they are looking for. Now it is July 15th and weather is in 50–70’s this week, significantly cooler for this time in the summer. I heard recently that the State of New York which does not get tornado’s had its first tornadoes recently. The national news reports extreme weather all over the country, extreme rain storms out East the and worst drought in history in California. Maybe your part of Texas is ‘normal’ but the rest of us are experiencing extreme weather.
In this strange weather patterns outside something good is happening inside my house with the orchids. One of my renewed orchids is still clinging to 13 beautiful flowers after a month or so and the others are doing well. Maybe the lack of an air conditioned summer is good for the orchids. I do have to note that flowers in my rain garden in front and garden in back are doing good, a little slow but blooming as scheduled.
When weather makes national TV news night after night something must be happening. I should be making better use of these nice spring days to work on my garden. But instead I find myself stuck in the house working on computer in our struggles to Stop Racism, one rim and one thrift store at a time.
Will it ever be hot enough, when we have time, for us to go swimming? I am starting to doubt it. But I just want you to know that our tomatoes are still waiting for hot and sunny weather.
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