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Somewhere along the line I started to collect contradictions but I do not remember what I did with them. Here is one I observed today. My friend, Dan, came over today to work in the garden with me. Dan is a 10 year veteran of the military but receives no special benefits from the military except health care at VA. Dan was in the Army for ten years between the Vietnam War and the beginning of the first Gulf war with Iraq. With help of Vet’s House here in Milwaukee he makes due and is not homeless.
Today he came over wearing a new looking Army cap. I asked him about it and said he got in very cheaply from another veteran that needed a few dollars. I was admiring the hat and he took it off and showed me the inside stating that it was an ‘authentic’ military cap. While looking inside the hat he saw were it was made. It was made in Vietnam. We wasted many human lives and much money to defeat the people of Vietnam. We lost and now they, along with their ally and our enemy in the Vietnam War, China, are big business partners.
A modern day Army hat made in Vietnam, a country we tried so hard to defeat the people, a true sign of contradiction, if we have eyes to see and ears to hear.
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