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Sometime ago a friend gave me some lilies. I forgot the name of this kind but I planted them in front of gardens in front of house and in back. The first year they bloomed I saw they were yellow and lasted a long time in the summer. The second year I noticed there were many more of the lilies then I planted and even more the year after. I finally realized they were an invasive flowers but in a good way.

I had some Wisconsin sun flowers, tall and small yellow flowers, planted in the rain garden, not knowing they were invasive. They almost took over the whole rain garden until I finally planted them in along the side of rain garden towards my neighbor’s driveway and walled them in by building an underground brick wall. They spread by underground roots and I need to keep watch that they do not invade other areas of rain garden.

However, these lilies are not like the Wisconsin sun flowers. They spread by growing more next to each other and do not jump areas or spread underground. Also they last much longer and are larger and prettier than the small and tall Wisconsin sunflowers.

These lilies are like love or good deeds. As they grow in beauty they multiply in an orderly way. Now I have a long line of lilies blooming.


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