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My young godson and his brother recently went back home and my ten year old granddaughter will be here for a few days. My younger brother called today and wondered if he could stay here with his two young adult sons as they attend Summerfest, one of the largest music gigs in the world. Naturally I said yes.
We have not had many guests to what I call our “Willie Graf House of Hospitality” recently and now we are booked for awhile with family.
Today we went to Madison to attend the high school graduation party of the older brother of the two boys that were visiting. This is the family of my daughter-in-law sister and this family, with six children, has remained close with us. In fact, their grandfather and my grandchildren’s other grandfather met twice last week to transform kids back and forth from Milwaukee to Madison and back and will meet again this week as I take my granddaughter part of the way to Madison to visit her other grandparents and cousins.
When I grew up we had family members visiting us and we visited, mostly on my mother’s side of the family. However, though Facebook I have recently connected with some family members on Graf side.
One of the positive factors of the new age of digital communication is that it allows family and friends to be more connected. However, I had to draw the line tonight when my granddaughter texted me a message from the couch she was laying on a few feet away from me. She was joking around and it was funny but a little too much.
With all this digital communication it is too easy to ignore the old fashion way of communicating, in person or on the phone. In fact today I forgot to check by phone on a friend who is now living by herself, not by choice, and suffers the tremendous pain she sadly has had for years.
More communication that the digital allows offers does not necessarily mean better communication. In fact more can mean less in quality of communication.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the famous Jesuit and paleontologist conceived the idea of the Omega Point , a maximum level of complexity and consciousness towards which he believed the universe was evolving called the no sphere. Perhaps evolution is still happening and digital communication is one step in bringing us all closer together. Coming together with family and friends is a basic step in the continuing evolutionary process.
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