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In a discount grocery store where I shop, every once and awhile they have easy-to-care for orchids. If they do not sell them in a few weeks they discount the already low price and that is when I move in and purchase one. The orchids that are blooming will last for awhile but eventually they will die. The trick is to care for them and hope they bloom again. Sometimes they do and sometimes they do not. Recently I have been using casting tea to water the orchids and it seems to have made a difference. Now I have three beautiful orchids blooming at one time. One of them has ten flowers on it with two more buds ready to bloom.

We all need some beauty in our lives to help us through tough times. With all that is happening in the world with violence, in Milwaukee and neighborhood with racial discrimination I can get a little low. Orchids provide a ‘bit of beauty’, something we all need.


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