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Last night I did not do a posting because I spent hours trying to fix a commuter glitch. After many attempts I thought I had finally sent an email out to a group about an upcoming St. Vincent De Paul meeting. However, when the one I sent myself did not come back I thought I had made a mistake. So I spend a large amount of time trying to fix the computer glitch. This morning I realized the earlier email did go out, just not right away as normal. However, tonight I heard from a few friends that I put the right weekday for meeting but on the wrong date. This is a human error not computer mistake. So I tried sending it out again with correction only to get message about suspicious activity on my email address and it was not be sent out again. I will try again later or tomorrow a few times to send out the correction but not so hard. The individuals who wrote me back questioning the date got short note with correction. I learned in the past that trying endlessly to repair a computer glitch could waste lots of time and it is best to let it go and try later. I have got better over the years but still make the same mistake.

Today, being Mothers Day, Pat and I went up to my son’s house, spend some time with him, his wife and our three grandchildren and all went out to dinner. Recently I have noticed that certain restaurant foods, especially in quantity as with the buffet do not agree with my stomach and cause problems. But I made the same mistake again.

Some mistakes I have made, like responding with overt anger over perceived moral wrongs, I have learned to control. It is natural to get angry but it needs to be expressed in a creative nonviolent way. However, this mistake in the past, has stigmatized me to the point that some people can marginalize me by putting me in the box of just being negative and angry and no matter how I act, especially if I act with same old anger to stigma, keep me in the box.
A poem once said: “Man is Made to Make Mistakes.” These have been consoling words over the years but not I need to learn how to get out of the box these mistakes put me in.


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