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Two Tulips Blooming at last.

It was the second spring like day in a row in the 70’s and I was able to get outside in the gardens this afternoon. Working the backyard I noticed two tulips that have finally opened. The daffodils have been blossoming for a few weeks but the tulips waited for warmer weather to bloom.

As the weather changes the gardens will change. Each flower has its time, some for a month, some for a week or two and some, like day lilies bloom fully for just about one day. My plants from seeds, like tomatoes in the sun room, are starting to come alive and grow and, hopefully, when weather stays warm for a while can be planted.

Sometimes in life, like the tulips, we just need to persist and wait for the right time to bloom. Sometimes we keep on trying, but due to conditions, never bloom. I can get down when I am struggling on some justice issue like SVDP giving “preferential option for the poor” on new thrift store in area of need over the suburbs. But I am reminded of words of wisdom from many sources that we must continue to act on our conscience without being depending on results.

Eventually “all will be well” but during the struggle it sure does not seem that way. However, like the two tulips we too must persist with hope, but not dependency, that the blooms will come.


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