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Carolee at school show
There was no posting last night since I was up at my son’s house to catch two concerts of my grandchildren, one band concert by one of my grandsons last night and one school play this morning for my granddaughter. The life of my son and his family is a very busy one but I was glad to get a touch of their life. Also the two and half hour trip each way is long but road trips can be relaxing. I just keep my mind on driving, listen to the news or classical music on the radio and let other thoughts come and go.
It is finally going to be warm tomorrow. The promise is weather in the 70’s. I got a few non-garden things to do in the morning but hope to spend most of the afternoon outside in the gardens. Garden work is more relaxing than driving and a lot more fruitful.
While spring is so late here I hear from news and family that the weather is warm and even hot elsewhere. The USA Climate Change report that climate change is disrupting our lives is finally sinking in, at least for some. But taking steps to slow down dangerous climate change is another story. Most people, as scientist, believe we must do something about climate change but despite all the violent weather there seems to be little will to do anything.
Here in Wisconsin building constructions of roads and highways is big time this summer as our mass transportation system, little as there is, fades away. There was even a move in the State legislature earlier this year to take mass transit out of the State transit budget.
China and USA consume so much of the world’s resources that unless these two do something the earth will continue to be polluted at a dangerous rate. But like so many issues, big and small, it is easy for us to feel that there is not much we can do about it. Maybe so but we must continue to speak and act out for the earth.
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