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Since my son became ill in the early 90’s I have been involved in understanding and advocating for persons with mental health illnesses. Like persons on all sides of the issue, I agree that the mental health system in Milwaukee County and elsewhere in the USA has failed us. I felt that same way about the welfare system of old. Yet like the welfare system some are taking advantage of the broken system by advocating a new system that will even, in my opinion, hurtful to persons in need. For mental health it is now the rush for the Governor to take over the system and run it with the help of an appointed volunteer board.
The Governor is the same person as County Executive of Milwaukee County oversaw the downfall of the system. The present County Executive supports this new bill which turns over control to the Governor’s board. Parents with bad experience in the present system, like we did, and agencies who want more funding, are supporting this ‘quick fix’ takeover.
The legislature is on a fast track to pass this bill. We do need a change in care for persons with mental illnesses but this takeover by the Governor would be a setback.
It has been two months, time required between publications, since my last letter to the editor was published, so I sent off this one. Published or not it will probably not make much of a difference since one again the ‘voice of voiceless’ will not be heard and “powers that be” will take advantage of this tragedy of how we care for this particular illness to their own advantage.
Here is the letter.
Letter to Editor Medical Care for Mental Health
For months I have been meaning to write to support a “basic medical care” for persons with mental health illnesses by use of hospitals, treatment facilities and community programs. Now I may be too late as bill is in the legislature turning Milwaukee County’s mental health system over to Governor Walker’s appointed board.
Other illness or diseases, like cancer, diabetes, or heart problems, are treated as medical issues with basic medical care from public and private care facilities. We would not consider turning over basic medical care for any other illnesses or diseases to a board appointed by the governor.
A person seriously injured in a car accident or one having a heart attack, conscious or unconscious will be taken to a hospital and receive treatment for the duration necessary. A person who has a serious mental health breakdown, conscious or unconscious, will be taken to jail or the mental health complex and most likely released without treatment in a few days.
How about creating a fully funded medical health care system for mental health illnesses or brain diseases by private and public hospitals, rehabilitation and treatment centers and community health programs to be utilized just like we do with other illnesses and diseases?
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