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“A definite forgiveness will
mean a definite recognition of our
strength.” M.K. Gandhi
The Gandhi daily quote I received today from India reads: “A definite forgiveness will mean a definite recognition of our strength.” This quote means a lot to me since I often say that I forgive persons who wronged me but wonder if it is a “definite forgiveness” The word ‘definite’ adds a whole new twist to forgiveness. Definite means no sly demeaning remarks about the person you forgave. Definite means complete and without question. Definite means you cannot avoid or ignore the person you forgave. ‘Definite forgiveness’ is much harder than ‘vague forgiveness’.
To be definite or indefinite in forgiving is the question. I cannot control the forgiveness the other person gives me but I can control my own forgiveness. If someone wrongs me and I take it in and forgive and love the person who wronged me with ‘definite forgiveness’ I can see how I will be strengthen. By not defending myself to wrongs and accepting them with love and forgiveness I can come out of the situation with renewed strength and with recognition of that strength.
The phrase “peace thru strength’ is thrown around a lot by politicians who believe the only way to fight violent force is by violent force. Although history tells us that violence against violence only leads to more violence we keep on doing it.
We had our first two prayer vigils for homicide victims this year today. We usually pray for the victim and the person who committed the crime. Society believes in punishment but not forgiveness, certainly not ‘definite forgiveness’. How many men and women who have committed crimes and done their time are still not forgiven by society and face job and other discrimination.
I even heard of one retirement home that would not take a friend and her husband since her husband had a criminal record. My wife hearing this wondered if we would be rejected by a retirement home since I have a criminal record from the Milwaukee 14 nonviolent action of 1968. I told her not to worry since I was white, had money and, although it was called “arson, burglary and theft” it was a political action against draft system for war in Vietnam.
Jesus’ last act before his passion and death in all four Gospels was his tipping over vendor tables in the Temple. That was it, the Jewish leaders and the Roman authorities could not overlook his action. He was tried, punished and killed by the Romans within days. His crime, written on top of the cross was treason: Jesus of Nazareth, King of Jews.” No one was ‘king’ of Jews except the person the Romans appointed. His enemies did not forgive him but Jesus, rather than restore to violence, accepting his suffering and death and until the end ask for definite forgiveness for those who crucified him. That type of ‘definite forgiveness’, going to the cross, is difficult but we must seek it.
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