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It is cold today. How cold is it, you ask? It is so cold that weather reports take up more of the local news time than the Green Bay Packers. It is so cold that many of us forgot the ‘good old days’ when we thought cold weather, below 0, in the winter was normal and we went around our business. It is so cold that big grocery stores in wealthy neighborhood ran low on food while big chain stores in poor districts, which are very few, had plenty of food. It is feared to be so cold that a Christian Church made the local news by opening up its Church doors to homeless persons. (Can you imagine that?) It is so cold the prisons and jails are full of people who are homeless and ill. It is so cold that all schools, even those that children from low-income families who find heat and food in school are closed while public libraries are open to serve as warming shelters. It is so cold that even the ice cycles on my gutter are not growing. It is so cold that the fear of cold is rising on the list of all the things we fear. It is so cold that TV viewing and use of video games is going up. It is so cold that the rich are becoming richer and the poor are becoming poorer. (Wait a minute that happens all the time!) It is so cold that we may need to extend giving food to the hungry, beyond Christmas time. It is so cold that we have another excuse to forget learning from history. It is so cold that can forget about the climate change and the arctic ice melting from the ever increasing warm weather. It is so cold that thinking about how cold it is, makes us cold. It is so cold we have an excuse to be lazy. What did we ever do without computers, cell phones, tables, radio and TV telling us how cold it is?


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