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“Known trespasser Car” &
Blessing Cab
I woke up this morning to a phone call from a family friend asking for a ride from work to the dentist this afternoon. Next there was a call from a friend who needed a ride to the Veterans Administration to pick up medicine. Next was a phone call from my wife’s nurse of where she should go for a blood test she needed. Plans for making spices from the garden dehydrated herbs were put aside and I warmed up my old car, I sometimes call it “The Blessing Cab”.
My friend told me that getting his medicine at the VA might take some time. When we got there we were surprised to find a very long line of cars waiting to pull up to the main entrance to drop someone off. So I dropped my friend near the front of the parking lot and said I would meet him at the pharmacy after I parked the car. Parking the car was a major task. Finally I found a parking spot and heading toward the VA hospital. As I was approaching the hospital I heard my friend calling me. In the time it took for me to find a parking space he had gone to the pharmacy and got his medicine and was looking for me.
Taking my wife to the grounds of the massive Froedert/Medical College hospital complex was a different adventure. The nurse had told my wife the blood test was to be done in the Specialty Clinics. It was a place I was familiar with so I dropped her off at the front door and went to park the car in the parking structure nearby. Parking the car I crossed over the sky walk and asked the information person where the clinic for taking blood samples was. She said it was in another building and gave me directions to get there by walkways connecting the buildings. I thought as I walked over to the laboratory that my poor wife really had to walk a long distance with her cane and replaced hip.
When I finally got there I asked the person at the laboratory where they took blood samples. It was not there but she took my wife’s name and birthday and looked up where my wife was going for the blood test. It turned out to be just inside the door where I dropped her off. Just then my wife called and told me she was waiting at the main entrance for me. On the way back to the car I stopped by the information desk to get my parking lot ticket stamped and told the lady about my long journey to the wrong place. She said she was sorry and I moved on to the parking lot.
The third trip of the day to the dentist was not so eventful. When we got to the parking lot in front of the store front dentist office we talked awhile about some troubles one of her family members was having. That was it, no driving around a parking lot and no walking around a large hospital complex.
I call my car the “Blessings Cab” for when I first started to drive people to doctor appointments and clinics some people would feel guilty, as if they had to pay me.I would say how they have blessed me and as they were leaving my car I would say to leave the blessings at the door. There were a lot of blessings collected today. The Blessing Cab, the same car that was ticketed as a “known trespasser car ” at a Marquette University parking lot has only one appointment tomorrow, so far.
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