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Expected Fear in Haunted House
My wife, Pat, is back in the hospital. She was doing so well in her recovery from hip surgery but this morning when her wound started bleeding the doctor was called and came to the hospital for immediate surgery. It was his fear of infection that drove him back to the hospital. He thinks he got everything fixed and cleaned this time but she remains in the hospital till at least Monday.
Life is like that at times, with unexpected setbacks. However, at times there are unexpected forward plays. It seems all we can do is ride the present, remember and learn from the past and look for a bright future. When everything seems smooth, like with my wife’s recovery, something may go right or it may not. But even setback can be forward plays if we learn from then and move on.
Winter is really here and all I can do is take care my worms in the worm box downstairs, sift some soil into casting, insulate the house and move on. I moved my indoor tomato plants and fluorescent lights from the cold, non insulated sun room to the basement which is warmer. They are solid but fruitless. I do not hope for tomatoes but just they stay alive till next spring when I can plant them outside.
My son and his family were here for Thanksgiving. After my grandsons went shopping with their mother, very early this morning, came back and had some sleep, I asked both of my teenage grandsons for time to talk. They were accommodating and after some small talk they went back to video games they had purchased this morning or had some food before they had to leave for Madison to visit with their other grandparents and many cousins. My asking to talk with them was a little unexpected since most often their mother tells me what they are doing in school, sports and life.
The news today was about the great rush to shop Thanksgiving and Black Friday. The national news commentator reported that people were passionately shopping for stuff like this the last time they could do so. He pointed out how the low prices quite often were more hype than reality and how many products could have been purchase for same amount or less at other sales during the year and online. According to an ‘expert’ they consulted the news station said that a lot of the mad rush to shop was motivated by fear that someone else would get a deal that you did not.
Black Friday is the biggest shopping day in the year because people expect great savings on that day. Expectations are not often based on reality but twined with fear are very strong. The unexpected is never expected so it may catch us off guard. Fear is expected and sells.
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