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Three young men deported
to Haiti by Executive orders

Last year we wrote three essays on Catholic Church in North Central Milwaukee. We tried our best to make the essays historical, but like all recent history, it has a point of view. A few persons responded positively to the essays but most ignored them. One group of Catholics for Peace and Justice censors a link to the essays from its online newsletter. However, no one denied any facts in the essays.

Now over a year later more facts and information have come to light and I need to rewrite the essays. To verify the new information I will write to persons who provided me the information for the first essays as well as those who ignored the first essays but are involved in the history. I expect lots of ‘ignores’ but that is just the name of the game when someone is seeking a truth people do not want to hear or talk about.

I really enjoy studying history and researching events and issues. However, as I said many times before, many Americans are not too interested in learning from history or learning facts that make them uncomfortable.

A good example was in the news today. President Obama was giving a speech on immigration today in the Bay area in California. Someone from the crowd present shouted out about the deportation of immigrants and asked him to stop it or slow it down. He responded that congress was to blame for the high deportation rate and there was nothing he can do. “In fact, even as Obama expresses sympathy for law-abiding undocumented people, his administration has deported 2 million immigrants – more than President George W. Bush did in eight years” ( Christian Science Monitor, November 25, 2013) Yes, he cannot provide a “path to civilization” law but he can, by executive order, slow down the rapid rate of deportations.

When I was in Haiti after the earthquake I met with a number of young men, who had minor run-ins with the US law enforcement and were immediately deported to Haiti. Many of them were in the United States from an early age and had family and roots in the USA. The president did slow down the deportations for a few months after the earthquake but quickly resumed them. There was no trial or appeals given them, just put on a plane once a month and sent to Haiti with nothing, many of them were unable to speak the Creole language of Haitian people.

The president dismissed the young man by misrepresenting the law on immigration and the facts of what he can do or not do. This seems to be the new standard of American truth telling, “Ignore and/or misrepresent the facts.”


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