This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in any form without prior authorization. Flovent for cats Laboratory and/or medical tests (such as lung function tests, eye exams, bone density tests, cortisol levels) should be performed periodically to monitor your progress or check for side effects. Immediate and delayed hypersensitivity reaction(including very rare anaphylactic reaction). Advair instructions This website is funded and developed by GSK.

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“Remember the ‘good old days’
of concern for true health care

Tonight I went looking for a good laugh to put on this posting. I looked at my friend’s emails who usually sends out humorous ones but found none. I did read a serious article tonight that might have been laughable if it was not so sad. It is called The Obamacare Disaster and the Poison of Party. It tells how “Obamacare is a mess largely because it builds a revamped healthcare system around the retrenched and extended power of insurance companies—setting back prospects for real healthcare reform for a decade or more.” Now this might not be funny to most but for people who have been saying this since 2009 it is some kind of poetic justice. Not so funny, I guess!

How about the picture below which shows how even Squirrels know the difference between GMO Corn and Organic Corn. Give me a break if you do not find this picture a little bit funny. Where is the humor when you need it?


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