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“Perhaps people will stop
repeating the human-made
catastrophes of the past when
we cease being ahistorical and
truly learn from history’s
lessons.” –Larry Pinkney, The
Boston Globe, April 27, 2006
An important part of nonviolence is holding in anger and frustration when people say or do what “in your opinion” are acts of injustice. This happened to me tonight at a meeting when an issue concerning the poor and marginalized was misrepresented. I expected statements would be made of such a nature but when it happened I was unable to stop myself from speaking out.
These days when I am in the waiting room during my wife’s hospital visits I am reading Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States.” It is said that history is written by the powerful, rich and strong but this version of history is from the people.
I have always enjoyed reading and studying history but find it frustrating when people and governments do not learn from history. Today I learned that the US war in Afghanistan, already the longest war in our history, will continue on for another ten years or so. Our role may change but our involvement in this conflict will continue. We withdrew from Iraq but the war continues. Not learning from history we are in an “endless wars.”
History is telling us that John Kennedy was determined to end our involvement in the war in Vietnam when he was killed fifty years ago. He even signed a presidential order making this withdrawal from the war official. After his death, this document and his intent were ignored.
I think of the phrase from a popular song: “When will ever learn”? We can learn from history or be doomed, as we are, to repeat our mistakes.
My anger at the meeting tonight has happened before. I can explain it but not justify it. When will I ever learn?
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