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Salad Bowl from our
Garden in 2007
I have a good friend who, in a group, whenever he hears something he does not like or does not get his way he threatens to quit. He is a good resource and valuable person to the organization so it is fortunate he has not followed up on the threat so far. Why he does this I do not know. I probably have plenty of similar habits that people do not like. Sometimes we pick our friends and often we make friends by engaging in life together. Whenever I make a home visit for our St. Vincent De Paul conference to a person in need I feel I made a friend, although usually I do not see the person anymore.
Today in the grocery store I met a friend from the past. We hugged and exchanged comments of what we are doing these days. Although we do not see each other anymore or belong to the same group or organization I feel she is a friend for life.
Then there are those friends who others tell me are no longer friends because they have some political or social disagreement with me. I do not understand how people that are friends can be unfriends so I told a close friend who told me this to let me know who is my friend or not.
In 2007 I wrote in these Diary of Worm postings about Salad Bowl Friends, I talked about how the melting pot analogy of Americans might be replaced by salad bowl friends, an “endless network of friends who are united by the zest for life.” All the friends talked about above, ones from past or present fit this definition for me. Although we may all have our disagreements, we are all engaged in life. I ended that posting saying: “While keeping their unique diversity, together they are Growing Power. Watch out world, here comes the nonviolent revolution of salad green friends!”
I think, like a young child, I make friends too easily. Friends, for me, are like the ingredients of a good salad that when mixed with a good dressing is delicious. Perhaps is why friends say I make good salads. Easy Friends are the best.
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