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St.Theresa of Lisieuz,
the Little Flower

With my wife, Pat, home from the hospital today I got a taste of what it means to be a home health aide, (CSI). A number of my friends have home health aides coming to their home to help with cooking, cleaning, running errands and more. Since I will be such an aide for the month to come I have chosen to look at the good side of being a CSI.

For one thing it gives you a blessed chance to practice the “little way” of Saint Theresa of Lisieux praised by Dorothy Day of the Catholic Worker movement. Theresa entered the convent at the age of 15 determined to be great saint. Once she learned how insignificant she was she learned that it was in her littleness, doing the little things of life, like cleaning the dishes, with great love was her way to be a great saint. She died at the age of 24 in complete obscurity but a diary her superior had asked her to write made it clear how great a saint she was. Thus the ‘little way’.

A CSI or home health aide does no great things like a Doctor or Nurse but he or she contributes greatly to the health care of an ill person. The recovery or ill person can stay at home and still function completely with this aide. The independence of being at home does well for the ill person.
I pray and hope I can be a good CSI these coming days and like Theresa find blessings and love in doing ordinary things in the ‘little way’.


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