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I saw part of a skit on Saturday Night Live last week when an African American host was interviewing two African American supporters of President Obama. He was asking them a number of questions about issues they were concerned about. He would ask if President Obama did this what you say. They would rail against the policy and he would follow up with the question: “Would you still support him”. They would always say yes, although more meekly as the issues offensive to them grew in nature. The bottom line was that they would support him no matter what he did.
President Obama has increased deportation to about 1200 each day while still retaining support of immigrant community and its supporters. The president has seriously increased drone warfare, assignations without trial men, woman and child. Yet many persons of peace still support him.
An election poll on news tonight about the Governor’s race in Virginia showed that nearly 90% of African American voters voted for the white Democratic candidate while over 60% of white persons voted for the white Republican candidate. In my opinion, Personality, Party, Race and money matter more in elections than any political stand on any issue.
Creative conflict and dialog, the heart and soul of good politics, seems to have disappeared. All we seem to have now is emails back and forth or ignoring the other who is in disagreement.
We seem to be a nation hard of heart in politics. We are hard of hearts about acting in the present times, based on history or what we want in the future
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