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In about five hours I need to get up and drive my wife, Pat, to the hospital, for a major surgery, a hip replacement. Surgery makes her think of the direction of her life.
I saw an old friend in church at St. Ben’s today. She and her husband were recently divorced after 30 years of marriage and four sons. In her words her husband wanted to go in a new direction.
I just wrote a letter to the board of St. Vincent De Paul Society of Milwaukee County question their firing of our store manager, who has been loyal for twenty five years, with a phone call from Director of Central Office saying we are going in new direction.
I attended one day of the Call to Action national conference in Milwaukee and found it the “same old, same old” message. Now there is one organization that needs to go in a new direction.
The direction of teaching young adults in military training how to kill without conscience goes on and on and silence of good people is deafening.
North Central Milwaukee is going in the direction of more poverty and more segregation and no one wants to talk about it and going in a new direction.
During the next month or so of being at home and serving the needs of my wife and her recovery from surgery will be a good time to examine the direction of my life and see if I need to go into a new direction.
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