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Witness by two nuns in
front of Marquette’s store
To celebrate the feast of All Saints Day a few of us decided to march through the Marquette campus calling for Marquette University to end its military training programs that teach war, violence and killing without conscience. Call to Action a national group of progressive Catholics was meeting in town so we got a few of them to march with us.
Earlier in the day when I drove through campus it was buzzing with thousands of students walking between classes. But at four pm on a Friday with a slight drizzle the campus was bare with few students around. We passed out our flyers with pictures of three saints, Dorothy Day, and Martin Luther King and a few quotes on one side and where to watch the video on YouTube on the other side. Since there was a light drizzle we made a few stops in the Library and Union but even there we found few students.
I had brought with me from the Call to Action Conference two religious sisters and one priest in my card. On the way back my friend, Joe, called me to say he had picked up one of the nuns. The other one was in my car. After I picked up the priest at the library I noticed that I had his plaque of Blessed Franz Jägerstätter, a martyr in the World War II for refusing to become part of Germany’s army, that he had worn around his neck.]] He had made it from a larger post of Hans that had been given to me. I called Joe to tell him I had a nun and priest in the card as well as his small poster of Franz. He said he wanted it back and I said I wanted my larger poster of Franz back. At first he heisted but then remembered he had the larger poster in the truck of car. So when I dropped off the religious sister on 4th st. right in front of the convention center we made an exchange in the middle of 4th street, large Franz for small Franz.
It was a humorous ending to a somewhat disappointing March of All Saints with the light rain, ten to twelve people showing up and the few students we saw. But I got back my big Franz and he got back his little Franz so all ended well.
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