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Greem Ghost Peppers
With a winter frost coming soon, I picked the remaining ‘ghost peppers’, one of the world’s hottest peppers, in the garden. In 2007, Guinness World Records certified that the Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia) was the world’s hottest chili pepper, 400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce; however, as of 2012 it was superseded by the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. They were still green with not much chance of turning red/orange when they are ripe for picking. There were an astounding 140 green ‘ghost peppers’ left to pick. Now they are in the dehydrator and then to the freezer ready to be ground in one very hot pepper sauce.
My friend, the only person I know who can eat them, says they were tasty with food. In fact they are so hot that I needed to wear gloves when working them and be careful not to breathe in too much of the pepper’s vapor or to rub my eyes. The dehydrator is in my sun room, an unheated room, that is blocked out from the rest of house with insulated door\windows. Going into the room to check out how they were doing I can feel the air full of smell of these hot peppers.
Today when I was preparing these ‘ghost peppers’ I thought that if I had planted them early in the season I would have had many more ripe ones by this time. Although my friend had told me about them it was not till late June that I discovered and platted two of them in my front yard garden. The rich soil full of worm castings seems to be perfect for their growth. I do grow other hot peppers for my own “Hot Joe’s” but they are never as plentiful as these ghost peppers.
I give them all to my friend who thinks my “Hot Joe’s” spice is mild. Maybe after they are dehydrated and in the freezer for awhile I will try a tiny bit of one with some food. But maybe not. I like hot spicy food but ghost peppers carry into a new level of spicy hot. Green Ghost Peppers are Hot!
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