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Be it lost in space, lost at home or lost of the TV Remote, lost plays a major role in our lives. I heard that the Government shutdown, which just ended tonight, cost our economy 24 billion dollars. One would think that shutting down the government would save us money not cost such a great loss.
The loss of lives in USA wars since 9/11 is inconceivable. The loss of lives of Americans, Iraqi, Afghans, Pakistanis, Yemenis, Somalis are shocking yet we do not know what really happened on 9/11 and what caused this tragic loss.
When an American soldier is lost and killed in war many rushed to praise his or her honor and glory and neglect the many veterans who are homeless and suffer PTSD, a brain disease.
Jesus tells a parable about a shepherd who left his herd of 99 sheep to find one lost sheep. This is a story of great love for one lost one.
The lost of a loved one is devastating. The lost of any one human life is unacceptable. The commandant is “Thy shall not kill” with no qualifiers.”
I have heard say that one person’s lost is another person gain. Be not afraid of a loss.
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