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Image by Jared Rodriguez
Community Organizations, like Common Ground here
That trace its roots, it says, to Saul Alinksy, a great community organizer
Are now accepting grants from banks and the government,
Something that would have been Alinksy’s worst nightmare.
Right wing political organizations like the Tea Party
Are reading Alinksy book, Rules for Radicals
And practicing his confrontational tactics.
Wisconsin government is deep in debt,
Less money for schools and health care,
Yet our governor proposes using a 100 million surplus this year
To give each homeowner a $13 tax cut on property tax.
The USA has the most people per population incarcerated
And Wisconsin has the most African Americans per population incarcerated
Yet justice has come to mean more punishment and putting more persons in prison.
We live in a culture of extreme violence in the media, war and on the streets
Yet guns become easier and easier to purchase and use.
Pastors in Milwaukee want a payback program to purchase guns
So those with illegal guns cannot make some money from old guns
To purchase new guns.
The gospels are full of paradoxes, the last shall be first,
The poor shall inherit the Kingdom,
We need to die to rise,
What we do to the least in our society we do to Jesus.
We need to live and make peace with paradoxes.
But what we have above is an upside down world
That we cannot seem to set right.
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