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Today Pat and I had the privilege of bringing a meal to a shelter for homeless women and families. We like working the third floor which is for families. Tonight there were lots of young children on the family floor. Little children were everywhere and standing off to the side were two teens listening to music devices. After the meal was served I want to talk with them. They reminded me of my days as a Youth Minister at a church when to get attention of youth I had to become a ‘rap artist.’ My rap name was ‘reject’. Raps came to my mind but the staff member was rushing all of us to leaving the room. The teens moved to the hall to talk. I ending reading some books to a young child till it was time go.
So here is one last rap for ‘reject’.
The Attitude of Gratitude gives us the right to say
Alleluia, all is well, thanks to all today.
We can go hungry or be full, no matter
It is what is inside that counts not the patter.
Being in the homeless shelter for two teens
Was something strange by any means?
They both had their I Phones or device
That drowned out any bad or good advice.
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