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As greed grabs more persons in its hold
Charity suffers and bleeds.
Gandhi said: Capitol exploits the labor of a few to multiply itself” (The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi, p.339)
I say: “American capitalism exploits the labor of many to enrich a few.”
The news says “the top 400 persons in USA earn more money than the value of the entire economy of Russia.”

Russia used to be the heart of communism, the evil state we used to hate and fear.
Now China, a communist state has embraced capitalism and it is our friend that loans us money.
The new bad guys are “terrorist” who do not have the sophisticated weapons, like Killer Drones that we possess and use to kill.
They just kill just as we do but not as effectively and organized.
As the rich get richer the rest of us need to pay more for war and military to Keep us safe or just kill more and more,
Which means that family and friends of those we kill will kill more and more of us.

My wife, friend and I are in midst of making 14 home visits to people in need in North Central Milwaukee.
We are limited in what we can offer in terms of vouchers but the need for such basics like beds, stove and refrigerator grows.
Our church received a gift of 1.1 million dollars from closing of a church in North Central Milwaukee that had existing since 1897.

A few have chosen for the many of the Church to hide the money away in a trust,
Rather than using it to provide basic for people in need and seed money for more money for poor.

The “Common Good” has been replaced by the Individual Good.
The American Dream is no longer to provide for family but to get more and more money for oneself and close family.

The President of Marquette University, a Jesuit Catholic university, is resigning, just two years after he received the job.
Why we do not know but I like to think he can no longer be a hypocrite by leading a Catholic university that violates its sacred trust
To teach peace not war and killing as they do; To teach the ‘Common Good’ not Individualism as the norm.

It is now fall and the garden will soon fade away and die but I know next spring the garden will grow.
My little Faith says that our local Catholic Church and Catholic University will realize the errors of its ways and change,
But my mind says this is not happening and will not mind.

I pray for the faith of Father Solanus Casey or the Centurion, Roman soldier in the Gospel who says: “Lord I am not worthy that you come under my roof, but only say the word and it will happen.”
Without such a blind faith there is no real hope and without hope there is no love and charity.
My prayer is God grant me greater faith so I have the courage to do Your will


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