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Father Solanus Casey
This morning I attended a workshop about Father Solanus Casey, a Capuchin Franciscan priest who is the first United States man to be declared “venerable” by the Roman Catholic Church, a path toward Sainthood. The Capuchin priest writer/lecturer who spoke told us how he was simple man doing simple tasks. Casey served primarily as “porter”, or receptionist and doorkeeper. Every Wednesday afternoon he conducted well-attended services for the sick. He was a simple priest yet a healer and prophet. An estimated 20, 000 people passed by his coffin prior to his burial in the cemetery.
Before last week I did not know anything about Solanus Casey. A friend driving with me in the car mentioned he was reading a book about Solanus and found his character. Another person riding with us in the car mentioned that he too knew about the holiness of Solanus and how being a doorman he was a blessing to many persons. At the next couple stops in the car we all tried to hold the doors of the car and houses open for others, just like Solanus.
The quiet humility of this man touched me. I feel, unlike Solanus, I walk too loud through life. If I see or hear what I believe is wrong or unjust I feel compelled to speak up and do something about it. There is a time to speak out and a time to be quiet and it takes wisdom to know the difference.
For dinner tonight I made two homemade pizzas using some whole wheat dough I purchased at the store. The harvest of the garden, pasta sauce made from home grown tomatoes, green peppers and cherry tomatoes topped the pizza along with two types of cheeses and other good stuff. It was an easy dinner to make with our present house guest helping to cut up the pizza toppings. The pizza was simple and delicious just like the life of Solanus.
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