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On this last day of summer it was warm. Tomorrow when fall starts the weatherman says it will be cooler. My excuse today for not working in the garden more was it was too hot but I will need to come up with a new excuse tomorrow or just do it.

Last night’s posting was not put on the Diary of the Worm on since my computer connection to web was down. I thought it was just an odd occurrence until it happened tonight. I checked with my smart phone and my wife’s computer and the connection was fine. I shut my computer down and when it restarted I was reconnected. I still would have not thought of these events as suspicious except tonight when I went to send an email to a long list of Catholics about the special collection for the Special Collection in Catholic Churches to help the Archdiocese for Military Services a message went on the screen that the message was not sent because of “Suspicious Activity” on my computer. Even that would not have made me suspicious except the same thing happened last week. Eventually, after sending the message out three times to different groups of people and putting in a lot of codes to avoid spam I got the simple message out. When it happened last week I checked with Yahoo who runs the internet service for my ATT account and they said it was ATT. Should I be suspicious of Big Brother, ATT? I tried not to be suspicious but with all this strange stuff it is hard not to be.

Government spying seems to be a big thing today but why would anyone care about me. It is true I am of Lebanese descent on my mother’s side and there are some professional hackers who made it impossible, due to an Auto Spam Robot, for me to have a comment page on my Diary of the Worm postings. At one time some Marquette University Students even put up a Facebook page called “Hate Bob Graf.” But being suspicious is a distraction and waste of time.

All this talk reminds me of two persons who picked up the flyers I was passing out today with quotes about how “Faith and Violence are Incompatible” from Pope Francis. A student who has passed me up a few times before calling out insults today stopped to look at the flyer. He pointed out the bottom when we say “Marquette and ROTC are Incompatible.” I asked him to read what the Pope said about Faith and Violence. He said “I do not care a sh*t about what the Pope says. Also today I recognized an ultra conservative professor coming out of the Library. I offered him a flyer and at first he brushed it aside. When I said it was quotes from Pope Francis he took one. He looked to the bottom of the page when I have my web page listed and said “That is the web page” and moved on.

Being suspicious is normal but unless we restrict it can slow us down.


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