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“Being ignored” has some side benefits that I need to take more advantage of. One of them is doing more things that you like to do, like for me, gardening and reading. However, instead of taking advantage of ‘being ignored’ I keep thinking of new ways to promote the missions of ending ROTC at Marquette University and the Catholic Church sharing the abundance of money with poor and marginalized it received from closing Catholic Churches in Milwaukee. Also this new cool weather gives me no excuse for not doing more in the garden, besides harvesting and I have some interesting books to read.

I have concluded I am just a ‘fool’ very aware of ‘dying’. I feel compelled to do all I can do on these two issues. I do not work for ‘results’ or ‘outcomes’, as they are called, but simply to “do the right thing” according to my conscience and to struggle for the Truth.

St. Ignatius was a soldier of the court when he gave up his weapons and fine clothes to follow the Way of Jesus. He continued to use military language but now Lucifer or devil was the military leader urging us on to work for wealth, honor and glory. Jesus, carrying the cross, was the military leader asking us to be poor, accept insults and be humble. I think the Milwaukee Catholic Archdiocese and Marquette University act more like soldiers loyal to Lucifer than soldiers loyal to Jesus Christ.

Now I wish I was a “fool’ for Christ, as they say and not such a weak and flawed nonviolent soldier. But I am grateful to be in the military of Jesus being trained ‘how to die’ than in the military Lucifer being trained how to get more wealth, even when it means more poverty and killing. Conscience can be beautiful and a terrible thing to obey, but to be true to ourselves we must obey. “Over the pope … there still stands one’s own conscience, which must be obeyed before all else, if necessary, even against the requirement of ecclesiastical authority.” (Archbishop Joseph Ratzinger now retired Pope Benedict XVI, in his 1968 commentary on the Second Vatican Council’s document, Gaudium et Spes.)

So being a ‘fool’,‘scapegoat’, weak or marginalized has some benefits


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