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“unwanted” by Peter Graf

It seems like the ‘hot’ weather that came late is finally fading away, or so says the weatherman. Now that is getting cooler it is time to turn up the heat on Marquette ending ROTC and the Archdiocese using money from closing Churches in North Central Milwaukee for the poor and marginalized in the area. The parish council vote to put the money in a trust fund for future use was postponed tonight for the second time and will be on the agenda again next month. After trying to have me arresting for going to Church at Gesu on the Marquette Campus the university has turned on the “ignore button” again hoping we will just go away and stop telling students the ‘truth’ about the military on campus teaching violence and killing.

The question now becomes how to turn up the heat in the Catholic Church and use of this money and on Marquette University to be faithful to the Gospel and stop hosting Departments of Military Science on campus? It would be nice if the Pope would just step in and so No to teaching violence and killing at Marquette and No to hiding the money from poor and marginalized. I may send him another letter but doubt, like the last one, if he will ever see it.

How to increase the heat while still being nonviolent? I pray for guidance to God through the intersection of Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi. I seek the advice of my ‘elders’, old, young, poor or marginalized.
I was driving an African American male friend who has been in lots of trouble and finally has worked himself into a clean and deliberate lifestyle. I asked him about something important going on his life and he responded that “God will take care of it.” I believe in trusting God and letting what would be, be, but also know we must do our best to do the right thing and work with God. There is a fine balance between “trusting in God” and doing what you can.

The balance between hot, doing whatever we can, and cold, trusting in God is one we must walk fearlessly.


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