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A basic principle of Christianity, I believe, is lost these days is to share your abundance with people in need, starting at home. There are people in Milwaukee that have much more than they need and people without the basics of food and shelter. There are cries for ‘lower taxes’ that mean less money for people in need and more money for those with money.
I am not talking about the communism of the early Church where everything was held in common and people received according to their need. This perhaps is not even socialism. It is the Gospel message to love our neighbors as ourselves and to do good to everyone, even our enemies.
War for profits, making profits from health care, from Obama Care to the Tea Party, everything is based on the principle of a few making more while the majority suffer. Call it capitalism, secularism or greed, it surrounds us and is snuffing out our Way of being followers of Jesus. The ‘nonviolent cross’ makes no sense in this world. The last are the last and the first are the first in this world. The old American Dream about having a job, home, education and family has been replaced by the new American dream “get all you can get”.
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