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Tonight Pat and I had dinner with three other former Jesuit seminarians and their wives. The dinner at a restaurant was okay but the conversations were great. The occasion for the get together was friends from England were visiting. The memories were from the period of 1968 till about 1972 where the lives of us four men intersected. We all left the Jesuit, Society of Jesus, during that period but built some long term ties from those times together and our common commitment to civil rights and peacemaking activities.
Relationships built in times of struggle for human rights seemed to have some long lasting ties. Our conversations were enjoyable but now as powerful as our actions together.
This morning we had three prayer vigils for young African American male homicide victim in North Central Milwaukee. Tonight I got an email from the local newspaper that they will print my letter to the editor Crime related to environment which I wrote last night and put on this posting site. The newspaper did skip my link to M.A.P.S., the maps of segregation, poverty and criminalization in North Central Milwaukee. Will any words, prayers or actions stop this move to isolate and marginalize this area? Maybe the letter to the editor will spark someone to take action on this concern to stop the violence in these neighborhoods. For only in nonviolent action can we change.
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