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There have been over 20 shootings the last week or so in Milwaukee in the last week with a number of homicides. The majority of the gun violence has been in North Central Milwaukee. The mayor and police chief are talking about more police in the area or stricter punishment for persons caught with an illegal gun. While that might be all well and good they are missing the most basic cause of crime which I tried to address in this Letter to the Editor of the newspaper.

Dear Editor,
The recent discussion on gun violence seems to be missing an important element, what the government and institutions can do to create an “environment which it is easier to be good.” Although persons are held responsible for acts of crime the environment can make a major difference. Take for example North Central Milwaukee which has the highest rates of gun violence. It is also the most segregated, (African Americans,) area in the most segregated city in the U.S.A.; it is one of poorest areas in the fourth poorest city in U.S.A.; it is home of the most African American male state prisoners (Incarcerated and Released) in Wisconsin, a state having the highest black male incarceration rate in the nation. Institutions like the Catholic Archdiocese have greatly reduced its presence in the neighborhood.

Near the end of his term Governor Thompson had a commission study the causes of the increasing number of prisoners and prisons. They reported prisoners and prisons “are bound to grow as long as the root cause of crime—poverty, lack of education and lack of family support—go unaddressed.” “When will we ever learn?” in North Central Milwaukee. See M.A.P.S for more details.

Bob Graf


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