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Lanterns of Peace -Milwaukee

Tonight I had plans to take one of my oldest friends, Bill Brennan, a 93 year old Jesuit priest and one of my youngest friends, my goddaughter, Sophia, 13 years old today, to the Lanterns of Peace celebration on the Milwaukee river downtown, commemorating the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima. Youth and adults make paper lanterns, light them, and float them on a the river to remember and honor end off the spirits of the victims on lanterns with peace messages floating on the waters of the Milwaukee River.

My young friend, Sophia her dad were ready when we I came to pick them. My elder friend is usually always ready to go. However, tonight he was not. With another elderly priest at the retirement home we finally tracked him down. He was watching Television and complete had forgotten about the event that…my mind is falling asleep so we will have to wait for another…. My mind is falling asleep so this observation will need to be continues some other day.


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