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Front Vegetable Garden

I have been so busy doing in the garden and in life that I had a little time for being with the garden and with life, the being that makes garden and life fully alive. A friend recently told me how when son was engaged in a fire fight in Iraq he felt fully alive and present to the moment, an experience lacking in everyday life. I think I know what his son was talking about for often, in a crisis, I feel fully alive and alert, in the present moment. The trick of life is to be fully engaged in doing and, without a fire fight or crisis, be fully aware and into the present moment.

I, like many others, am still a novice of how to being fully alive in the present while doing. I know it takes some practice and discipline but the reward is great. Gardening gives one an opportunity to take a peek into what is happening in the present while doing.

To the side and below are pictures from the gardens today. Looking closely and you will see plants growing and plants dying, the cycle of life. Being and doing are one in the beauty of the garden and life.

(more pictures below)

Front Rain Garden

Backyard Garden



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