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“There is nothing I can do.” “I do not want to hear about it.” “That is just your opinion.” “Lighten up.” “You talk too much.” “You have mental health issues.” “You are arrogant.” These are a few of the phrases I hear in the “What is wrong with Bob” litany. There is some truth to all of these accusations and admonishments but none of them define who I am or want to be.
Jesus said: “Go sell what you have and come follow me” to the rich young man. He said to his disciples “Be perfect like God, my father, and I are perfect.” “Give up everything and come follow me.” I believe Jesus meant all these things but Jesus did not mean for us to do nothing if we could not be perfect. It is not all or nothing.
Perfection, like Truth, is a struggle, something to experiment with, make mistakes and keep on seeking. It means trying, not being silent in case you might offend someone.
When people say “dialog” these days they do not mean real open discussion with creative conflict, but more “your opinion, my opinion.” When people say “compromise” these days they do not mean two parties coming together to a position they can both in conscience accept but usually choosing the lesser of two evils?
I do not know much about the new Immigration bill in the Senate these days endorsed by President. When I asked my friends who follow such things closely as immigrant rights activist they say they do not like the 13 year wait period for the “road to citizenship” or the complete militarization of the border with drones and thousands and thousands of private and public security. However, they are quick to add “there is a road to citizenship” and it is the best we can get. People surrender, the struggle is over and now we all need to work together to push this flawed bill through congress.
My thought is the more we accept something we believe evil and unjust the more we will get. Dialog and compromise does Not mean surrender and accepting the lesser of two evils.
Now that is all my opinion and you have a right to your own opinion and every one can do their own thing as long as they do not directly hurt someone, physically and there is blood that I see.