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Our new pope,Francis, a Jesuit is looking good in terms of his commitment to the poor and marginalized. However I had a ‘wait and see’ attitude about him till he spoke about war. At a Mass to honor the Italian soldiers who were killed in peacekeeping missions, particularly in Afghanistan, he gave a powerful homily about war. I tried to find the whole homily, as he gave it, but could not, not even on the Vatican web site. So here is the article a friend in Europe sent me.
Pope Francis: War is the Suicide of Humanity
2 June 2013 / Vatican Radio
“War is the suicide of humanity because it kills the heart and kills love,” Pope Francis said in his homily at Mass this morning [2 June 2013] at the Casa Santa Marta. In attendance at the Mass was a group of about 80 people, consisting of relatives of Italian soldiers killed in peacekeeping missions in the last 4–5 years, particularly in Afghanistan, along with a number of soldiers wounded during the same missions.
June 2nd is “Republic Day” in Italy, which commemorates the foundation of the Italian republic in 1946. Archbishop Vincenzo Pelvi, the head of the Military Ordinary in Italy, who con-celebrated Mass with the Holy Father, said it is a “significant day” in which the country expresses “a debt of love for military families.”
“Today we have come to pray for our dead, for our wounded, for the victims of the madness that is war! It is the suicide of humanity, because it kills the heart, it kills precisely that which is the message of the Lord: it kills love! Because war comes from hatred, from envy, from desire for power, and – we’ve seen it many times - it comes from that hunger for more power.”
So many times, the Pope noted, we’ve seen “the great ones of the earth want to solve” local problems, economic problems, economic crises “with a war.”
“Why? Because, for them, money is more important than people! And war is just that: it is an act of faith in money, in idols, in idols of hatred, in the idol that leads to killing one’s brother, which leads to killing love. It reminds me of the words of God our Father to Cain, who, out of envy, had killed his brother: ‘Cain, where is your brother?’ Today we can hear this voice: it is God our Father who weeps, crying for this madness of ours, who asks all of us, ‘Where is your brother?’ Who says to the powerful of the earth, ‘Where is your brother? What have you done!’”
From this exhortation, Pope Francis went on to pray to the Lord, that He might “take all evil far away from us,” repeating this prayer “even with tears, with the tears of the heart”:
“‘Turn to us, o Lord, and have mercy on us, because we are sad, we are distressed. See our misery, and our pain and forgive all sins,’ because behind a war there are always sins: there is the sin of idolatry, the sin of exploiting men on the altar of power, sacrificing them. ‘Turn to us, o Lord, and have mercy, because we are sad and distressed. See our misery and our pain.’ We are confident that the Lord will hear us and will do anything to give us the spirit of consolation. So be it.”