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In one month I will be in municipal court for my trial of trespassing on the property of Marquette University two weeks after I was told I was “not welcome” on the property. Legally I have been told I have a good case since I was arrested on a public sidewalk after the Marquette Security officer turned me away from the Library where I was going to do research on Dorothy Day co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement]]. But Marquette University officials, I and my companions know this is not about trespassing but an attempt for Marquette by scapegoating me to avoid hearing the message Marquette Teaches War and Killing. Since 1969 various groups of students, alumni, staff, Christians have been asking Marquette to be Faithful to Gospel and not host Department of Defense officer training programs (ROTC) on campus for all colleges and universities in the five county Greater Milwaukee Metro area.

Over the years Marquette has had students suspended, people arrested, events censored from media and, most of all ignored the fact that they teach military values over religious values and killing without conscience. Father Ignacio Ellacuria, Jesuit martyr in El Salvador to in 1985 when asked about ROTC, military training on Jesuit campuses like Georgetown said: ‘Tell the Jesuits of Georgetown that they are committing mortal sin because they are supporting the forces of death which are killing our people.’ He was assassinated in 1989.” (Father John Dear S.J. in National Catholic Reporter Online article — Jan. 8, 2008)]].

Marquette University and the Jesuits that believe that by piling on their sins on a scapegoat and exiling him they can avoid looking at their own sins. If people do not rally to my defense and rush to the resistance to teaching war on Catholic Campuses Marquette will win this battle but in the war I believe the struggle for truth and justice will win.

Marquette sin of teaching war and killing is hidden. This trial will be one small but vital chance to expose to the public eye the sin of Marquette.



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