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old orchard with new blooms
Tonight we, my wife and two friends watched Iron Man 2, a movie we had taped off the TV. Three of us had watched Iron Man 1, also taped, and had found the action filled film keep us awake on a Friday night after a fish fry. Tonight the film left my head spinning. It was too fast and too much action as one of the viewers said. Another viewer tonight, despite the nonstop action, fell asleep and two of us watched it through. My interest in Iron Man 3, when it hits the TV screen, just dropped.
Sadly I can see why the movie series is a bit hit. It is nonstop action and violence without a drop of blood, even with the bad guys. In a world of killing without conscience and Killer Drones we can easily be desensitized to such violence with bloodshed but deep down in our mind and soul we are injured and hurt.
In last night’s posting I talked about how we are all one people, all brothers and sisters. If this is the natural order and we are all connected than the death of one affects us all. Although Iron Man is a comic book type of movie it is presented with real people behind the technology and killing. Even with the most significant killing robot or machine there is a human behind it. If we humans have the technology to create something we will use it.
Before the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki who ever thought humans would use such a destructive weapon on so many humans. At the bombing of these two cities the morality of the “just war theory” was done. Now our country is building new bomb making factors in three cities for the first time in over 30 years. Some people protest these nuclear bomb sites and get arrested. Most Americans just ignored these new bomb factories or justify them with fear of Communist of old or terrorist of today.
In the midst of this darkness and destruction the light of hope rises in the East. It is a faint light at times but at sunrise with the sun it rises. We can see it in the smile of a child or in the beauty of the rain garden. We can feel it with a handshake, hug or kiss. We can hear it in the whisper of a gentle breeze. music or in a laugh. We can taste it a good meal and smell it clear air. The light and hope is in our mind and soul and if we can block out the Iron Mans of the world and TV news. A friend and eye were watching national TV news earlier this eve and our involvement in the war on Syrian people took a backseat to news of a fire and kids going to a prom in an area damaged by a storm.
Despite the horrors of violence around us we can keep hope alive if we can see, hear, touch, smell and taste the beauty of nature and life all around. Let those who have ears to hear and eyes to see rejoice and be glad.