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Four friends, three priest
and one lay guy.

What a day full of people called to direct action for peace and justice like myself. This morning I picked up my friend Prasad from India who is the government direct of Gandhi studies for his province. He was our leader in the Pilgrimage of Peace. After we ran some errands and got back here Janice, our woman priest friend came by. She had gone out to the Jesuit retirement home to visit a 92 year old Jesuit priest friend only to find he had been admitted to the hospital last night. We came home and Franciscan friend, an elder, came here from his travels for peace and justice actions to stay for awhile. Latter in the day, after dropping off Prasad for his ride to where he is staying we went to the hospital to visit our Jesuit friend. The four of us are in the picture on the left.

We were talking in the car and here why our elder Franciscan friend was looking so much better after his return from Tuscan community that is working with immigrants. His thoughts were that when he was in Tucson he was with like persons concerned about similar issues as he is and doing something about them. We all concluded that when we are doing something right in our minds and conscience there is a certain amount of peace and happiness. I remember feeling this way about the Milwaukee 14 in 1968 even thought we were facing unknown time in prison. Doing what comes naturally to us seems to a source of peace and happiness. Like persons naturally attract like friends.

This morning we noticed that our Gandhi friend from India could doze off and than being fully awake and aware in the conversation. This is something I have noticed before about Prasad. Jerry asked if this was because he was so at peace, he could sleep and wake and sleep again naturally. I said I thought so.

The four of us in this picture had one experience in common, a natural struggle for human rights even when it means marginalization and prison. Wow I am so blessed to have a day with such friends.



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