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Light and Dark at Sunset
Kauai, Hawaii

I spent most of my Diary of the Worm time tonight working on a letter/essays about the Cry of the Poor request. So I will keep my daily observation short and sweet.

You hear stories about people waking up in the morning alive and thanking God for the new day. When I wake up I am drowsy, usually with a headache and need a cup of coffee or two before I am really awake. However, while many people go to bed dreary and tired I feel alive at night, full of wonder and gratitude. I look back at the day and marvel at all my wonderful experiences and feel God’s blessings and grace deeply. I guess I am, as my son Peter used to call, a night person, coming alive in the darkness of the night while many people are day time people waking up rested and ready to go.

But I must admit that on sunny days I feel much better, like in the night, than I do on dreary and cloudy days. I guess I must be a person who enjoys the darkness of the night and the light of a sunny day. It is those in between times, dreary days or nights full of artificial bright lights that get me down. Give me light or give me dark but not in between.



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