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One Seen Design by Peter Graf

Tonight by way of the web I heard that Israeli planes had attacked people and things in Syria and had flown over the airspace of Lebanon, the country of my ancestors, in clear violation of United Nations rulings.

Marquette University reported tonight on TV news that 11 cases of alleged sexual assault were reported over the last month.

I am a person who likes to connect things, even if it sometimes means oversimplification. I have met people with keen minds that can connect events, some suffering from mental illnesses.

Earlier today, before hearing of the Israeli attack and the sexual assaults, I thought what connects many of the peace and justice issues that concern many people of good faiths, politics and cultures? I think I can break it down to one general category.

Do Peace and Resist War and Violence and treat creation with love and respect.
Peace does not mean an absence of violence or is not something passive. It is an active love and respect for all of creations and in particular poor, outcast and marginalized. With respect for all human life and consciousness that we are all connected would there be this violence we see in the world today.

Militarization of our culture and our schools would fall under this characterization as well as harm to our environment and killing persons by the remote control of Killer Drones. Love, respect and dignity for all would demilitarize our world. The power of nonviolence, if we believe, is much more powerful than any bomb.

In an environment that rejects war and violence and when all are love and respected,no matter who they are, can sexual assault survive? In nations that respect life would violence be used to create peace?

I know I am oversimplifying, like saying that the “means does not justify the end” or “violence begets more violence” but maybe there is something to simplification, like a child who naturally loves and needs to be taught hate, violence and prejudice. Maybe God did create all creation to be good and if we have eyes to see and hearts and ears to hear we can find God in all creation, simply saying all is one and one is all.



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