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Order of Military vs. Order of Priest
Early disciples of Jesus considered call themselves followers of “The Way”. The way was the way of Jesus, the heir of God who by words and actions showed us The Way of God.
The way became known as Christianity and people of the Way have come a long ways since the days when Jesus walked the earth, as fully human and fully God. The Way had its up and downs, twists and turns and splinter into many pieces. A major group of the Way is the Roman Catholic Church which has developed a hierarchical structure with only males, from priest to Pope.
This hierarchical Catholic Church in the USA seems to be falling apart. For example the headlines of today’s papers reads Milwaukee Archdiocese says it’s going broke, The headline refers to the 9 million dollars the Archdiocese has spent in a bankruptcy hearing fighting the victims of sexual abuse lawsuits against the Archdiocese. Some would say that the Archdiocese is going broke because of the aggressive ways its lawyers have has fought victims seeking names of priest abusers and disposing of their claims. Others would say it is the victims fault and their lawyers who are seeking compensation. While other archdiocese has made settlements with victims the Milwaukee Archdiocese has tried to transfers funds and property out of the legal entity of archdiocese. Is this the Church Jesus built? I am afraid not. Poor people in need and the victims of sexual abuse could have done more good with these nine million dollars than the lawyers are doing.
The cartoon of Military orders and Church orders I referred to in last night’s posting Common Sense Makes No Sense, about how a woman can fight in the front lines of military as a man but cannot be a priest in the Catholic church as a man is now on the web at Woman’s Ordination or down below after continue. It shows the humor of how a woman can fight in the front lines with orders from the military but cannot lead the Catholic community with orders of the priesthood.
This morning my wife and I encountered on a home visit a woman with no beds for her children or to sleep on get off the floor and with no stove or refrigerator. We could only afford to give her vouchers for beds for her two children and for a refrigerator. Yet our Catholic Church parish sits on 1.1 million dollars it reaped most form the sale of a nearby Church.
I am afraid the followers of the Way of Jesus in the Catholic Church in Milwaukee have lost their way. Do we follow the Way of the Catholic Archdiocese or Way of Jesus? What is the “The Way”?