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Last Monday I wrote a posting about a flying light over the worm depository, a compost pile in the back of the yard were worms can winter. The view was from the symbolic meaning of seeing the light flying over the worm depository. It was an interesting way of looking at this phenomenon.
Yesterday I took a scientific look at this phenomenon. I noticed there was a crack in the wood fence on the Southside of the yard and when the sun was in the south the light through the crack was reflecting on the bird feeder in the middle of the garden and as the wind moved the bird feeder the light reflected back to the worm depository produced the flying light.
The symbolic meaning was much more fun than the scientific explanation. It made use of the imagination while the scientific one just took keen observation.
Sometimes imagination and science come together as in a ‘miracle’, an unexplainable phenomenon attributed to divine intervention, that we can explain. It is with imagination that we discover scientific explanation but sadly a scientific explanation does not always lead to imagination.
Albert Einstein, someone with a great scientific mind had a deep appreciation of imagination. He is quoted as saying “To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.”