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Taking Time to Fish

Today I was reflecting on my 70th birthday coming up and mentioned to a friend that I was entering into my seventh decade on earth. He corrected me and said I was ending my seventh decade and beginning my eight decade. After quickly counting on my fingers I realized he was right.

My eighth decade might be my last so I need to get it right. As I get older I find myself turning back to my younger life. In my 20’s I was fascinated with history as I am now but also quick tempered when I sensed hypocrisies as I had been twice the last few weeks. The history part is fine but I need control my emotional passions, something difficult to do since my life as a child and teen when I was an introvert.

When I retired at age 63 or so I set I would read more, enjoy silence and nature more. I have enjoyed nature more though the gardens I have been part of at Gingerbread House block, DMZ gardens and my own gardens around the house. The reading and silence are part of every New Year’s resolution but quickly fade away with busyness.

Now I need to retire again but this time I need to be realistic, say No to busyness and Yes to silence. I am too old for things like defending myself from personal attacks and thus letting the message be ignored. I need to once more limit meetings that are lot of talk and lead to not much action. I need to be a more effective and diplomatic messenger, although I think I am too old to change much.

Where all the energy and passion I feel for people, poor, rich, woman, men, accepted or rejected and for justice and peace issues comes from I do not know. But it is there and has been building up for 70 years.

Hopefully soon I can move beyond my 20 years in the 60’s and return to quiet, reflective world. In this world of 50’s and 60’s I was much thinner so maybe that is a clue how to move on back to the future.



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