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I am about to leave the year of 2012 more heavy of heart than I started it; yet I have more hope now than the beginning of the year. It seems the more we experience the dark side of life the more we see the light at the end.

Tonight Pat and I went to see the movie “Lincoln”. It left me feeling sad. The historical aspect of the movie I question but if it is to be believed hundreds of thousands of young men died in a civil war over an economic issue, slavery, disguised as a human rights struggle. As we know now, that even after the civil rights struggle of 20th century all men and women are not treated equally under the law. Witness the high unemployment of the ‘endangered species’ of the young black males victims of homicide and who crowd our prisons. Cries of being the land of equal opportunity seem to be fading aware.

The homicide rate in Chicago was over 500 in 2012, 80% African American, with most murders using guns. The number of men, women, and children killed in wars in Afghanistan, US, Yemen, Pakistan, Palestine, Yemen by war, starvation, natural and human-made are increasing.

The darkness and death of the movie “Lincoln” made me more convinced that there is no such thing of a ‘just war’ any longer and that violence never brings peace or equality but just more violence.

The Hope out of the Darkness are the children of America, Haiti, Pakistan and Palestine who despite all odds remain full of unfulfilled opportunities and dreams. Many they will have their dreams crushed and killed by violence but all keep the spark of imagination alive.

Only if we can learn from history. When will we ever learn from the civil war or the many wars that followed? When we ever learn from the violence on our streets, over 100 killed in Milwaukee, 500 in Chicago? My prayer is that we can see into the darkness of violence with the eye and imagination of a young child, not accept violence and war as a way of life and have the courage to sacrifice and struggle for peace. Only than will hope will come out of the darkness.



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