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Today I read a quote from Gandhi that says much of what I feel about Christmas: “When real peace is established…it will be echoed in our life, not only in individual life, but in corporate life. Then we shall say Christ is born… Then we will not think of a particular day in the year as that of the birth of the Christ, but as an ever-recurring event which can be enacted in every life…” I also came across another quote today that sums up many of my feelings about life: “This is the rule of most perfect Christianity, its most exact definition, its highest point, namely, the seeking of the common good … for nothing can so make a person an imitator of Christ as caring for neighbors” —John Chrysostom (ca. 347–407)

My philosophy of life includes finding the birth of Christ in every life and always striving for the common good. The first quote reminds me of “finding God in all things” of St. Ignatius in the spirituality of the Spiritual Exercise and the second quote reminds me of my studies and reflections of the ‘historical Jesus’ where the Beatitudes and the Judgment of Nations in Matthew 25.

If we look for God in all things and seek what is good for others we will not avoid suffering but, I believe, can find peace in everyday life and be true to our conscience. If fact, in my opinion, suffering is as central to peace and the common good as joy.

St. Ignatius says in the Spiritual Exercise that we should pray for suffering, rejection and insults for the sake of Jesus and working for the “common good” often means sacrifice. I having difficult for praying for suffering and insults but pray to accept it. Sacrificing for the common good is also not easy. However, seeking peace and the common good is the right thing to do.



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