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My Friend, Ella,with County Award

My oldest grandson, Carson, turned 15 today. It is hard to believe and reminds us mortality. My friend Tom’s mother was taken to the hospital last night from the home she lives in. She fell and broke her hip. She is old, with severe dementia and has been in and out of hospice care. To operate on the hip or not is the question my friend and his brother are facing tonight. Signs of our family curse, mental illness or brain disorders have been experiences this last week. With the illness comes the terrible stigma.

During this time of birthdays, dying and sickness one thing has stayed consistent; friend, by phone calls, dropping by the house, emails or mail have expressed signs of concern and love. I thank Dawn,Brian, Jerry, Joe, Bill, Janice, Dan, Don, Janis, Bob, Don, Ann, Don, Roberta, Marna, Ann, Ella and the many others for their kind words and gestures the last week. I feel so blessed to have such quality friends. From my friends I learn how the new born spirit of Jesus lives in all of us. Thank you friends,



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