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How to think about evil, like the evil that visited Newtown last week has been a question many have pondered and I have thought a lot about. How a God who is love can allowed evil like killing in this world. The image that comes to me is pot of boiling poison fire water that keeps being added to when someone rejects God by an act of violence or ill word to another. The pots keep being added to with large and little acts against nature and God until the pot boils over with fiery water, like lava, flowing over the side injuring life of any form, even the innocent. The more we act against God and nature the more flowing lava and the more evil gets into the world.
The fiery water hurts all it touches and the only way to lessen it is to do the right thing, will of God or good act of nature. Greed, Senseless acts of violence, guns designed to kill human beings add to the pot of evil. We humans put these toxic items into the pot and then seem somewhat surprised when the pot overflows.
We can resist acts of evil, like teaching reflexive killing, killing without conscience by actions and good deeds. When my friend Ella shares her patch quilts, skills, homemade corn muffins she is adding good to culture and cutting back on toxic atmosphere around the pot. Sometimes people like Ella are recognized for the good they do and often people are not recognized and ignored.
What I do know that you cannot fight evil with evil. Evil means makes for evil ends. More persons with guns means more people killed with guns. We might never understand the why of evil but we do know how to increase and decrease it. Evil is pot of fiery water. The more there is the more evil flows in the world. The less there is the less evil there is in the world.